The holidays can be a busy, stressful time of year. There are presents to buy, gatherings to attend, and a never ending to do list. Don’t forget that in many cities the weather is just frightful. If you’re heading into the new year in need of a new challenge and some inspiration to get moving, we have just the challenge for you, a 31 mile dog walk! Don’t worry, it’s not all at once. This is a month long challenge that will keep you moving and active with your friends, hooman and furry alike.
This January, join Kennel to Couch’s latest fitness challenge. Together with tens of thousands of others, take on the 31 Mile Dog Walk challenge to raise funds and support Kennel to Couch’s mission to remove at risk dogs from shelters and provide the support and incentives needed to encourage the adoption of our sponsored dogs. The encouragement and support of this group will help you stay motivated throughout the month of January. Have fun, get in shape, stay healthy, improve your mood, and rally the troops around our mission, getting more Pibbles into loving, furever homes! All funds raised go to support K2C directly to continue our expansion to shelters across the country.
Register and create your Facebook Fundraiser to receive your challenge bandana and bracelet after your first donation: https://givp.nl/register/RraOp68q
Download the Challenge Documents: 

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