Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

A mast cell tumor (MCT) consists of mast cells (white blood cells often called “allergy” cells found in many tissues of the body) that most commonly form nodules or masses on a dog’s skin. Like all cancers, why dogs develop this particular form of the disease, can’t...
Dogs as Blood Donors

Dogs as Blood Donors

What do ailing people and ailing animals often have in common? The need for life-saving blood transfusions. And when it comes to pet transfusions, it can be particularly difficult to find donors. This is why an increasing number of veterinary clinics are calling on...
Mange in Dogs

Mange in Dogs

The “umbrella” term mange refers to two specific skin diseases in dogs caused by mites: demodectic and sarcoptic mange. Sometimes called red mange, demodectic mange is caused by the demodex mite, a small cigar-shaped parasite with eight legs that lives in a dog’s hair...

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