
“Every sixty seconds, an animal is abused.”

This is according to the ASPCA. And so, they have designated April as “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month. They have also urged their supporters everywhere to “Go Orange for Animals” to increase public awareness. The following are ways YOU can help spread the word and prevent animal cruelty.


Using your personal Facebook account, create an ASPCA fundraising page for an important event in your life and share it with friends and family. Whether you “donate” your birthday, honor the memory of a beloved pet or run a 5k with Team ASPCA, the money you raise will benefit needy animals nationwide, and aid in the fight to end animal abuse. 


Drawing on your own, personal contacts, team up with a local shelter or rescue in sponsoring a ”Go Orange for Animals” event (wearing orange, of course). Whether it’s an adoption event or a donation drive, give them the proceeds and/or supplies you’ve collected, and know the difference you’re making is huge! Fighting animal cruelty has never been easier.

preventing animal cruelty


 Spread the word about “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month by posting on your social media networks using the hashtag #fightcruelty and tagging @aspca. Encourage your family and friends to follow the ASPCA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online, join their Advocacy Brigade to receive emails about important animal welfare-related legislation, and learn how YOU can become a voice for the voiceless, and prevent animal cruelty. Animal abuse is never okay, and it is up to us to stop it. 

preventing animal cruelty


Looking for the perfect fur friend for your family? Both shelters and rescue groups have loving dogs and cats of all breeds, ages and colors, desperate to find their own perfect families. By adopting, not shopping, you’re saving two lives: the life of the animal you adopt and the life of the animal taking its place. Prevent animal cruelty and save lives!

Looking to adopt a Pit Bull? Check out the Kennel to Couch Pibble Package program! Upon adoption, a Kennel to Couch (K2C) sponsored dog will receive the K2C Pibble Package (at no expense to the family) to include the following from their generous partners:


How Prevent Animal Cruelty by Reporting

If you witness an act of animal abuse yourself, you can go to your local police commissioner and ask to swear out a warrant summoning the accused person to court. Or you can find out precisely where to report the incident in your area. Then, either call or email them, providing a concise, factual statement of what you observed, including the date and approximate time of the abuse. If possible, photograph the abusive situation and date your pictures. If possible, gather brief, factual written statements from other witnesses. If you have documents pertinent to your complaint, always make copies for your own records before giving them to anyone else.

 If you call to report a case of animal cruelty, keep a record of the person you contact, the date, and the content and outcome of your discussion. Make it clear that you are interested in pursuing the case, and that you will help in any way you can. If you don’t receive a response from the agent/officer assigned to your case within a reasonable length of time, follow up. Present your information to his/her supervisor and, if necessary, to local government officials, such as the county commissioner, and ask them to act.

 Remember. If YOU don’t speak up, this abuse is likely to happen again. Prevent animal cruelty with us this month!


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