
Amber Baum

Vice President

Amber is the Vice President of Kennel to Couch and was Rocky’s Mom. Rocky played an espically important role in Amber’s life as he was responsible for identifying thyroid cancer before it was too late.

Amber is a Gold Star Spouse, two-time cancer survivor, former Army Combat Medic, senior business professional, and mother to a teenage daughter.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Dynamics and certification from UPenn’s esteemed Organizational Consulting and Executive Coaching cohort, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree from Towson University. She was a HillVets Fellow in the United States Senate, and went on to operate at the highest levels of organization within the White House and on a U.S. Presidential Campaign.

She is a published author and has been a key note speaker and featured story for organizations such as USAA, Folds of Honor, Budweiser Brewing Company, Marine Corps Marathon, Travis Manion Foundation, TAPS, and Operation 300. In addition to advocating for the Pitties, you can see Amber championing for Gold Star and Veteran awareness in multiple online and nationally televised commercials.

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